That's what today is all about. Questions. YOUR questions. I've been writing this blog for a little over a year now & I've written the things that I THINK you want to know. But now it's your turn to find out what you REALLY want to know. The floor is yours. Ask away.
I know there are things you're curious about, so let her rip. Maybe you want to know something specific about my care. Maybe you're interested in my daily routine. Perhaps you want to know what happened next in rehab or what it was like going home again or how aging has affected me. Maybe you have a spiritual question...how I have such hope...do I ever blame God...

I'll give you about a week or so to ask away & then I'll start answering. You can include your name or ask anonymously, whichever makes you more comfortable. Just use the comments section at the bottom of this post to pose your questions. (For those of you who reach my blog through Facebook or Networked Blogs, be certain to post your questions in the "Comments" section ON THIS POST & not on the Facebook or Networked Blogs comments section, please.)
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!